Sunday, December 18, 2005

Hanuman Chaleesa

Found a wonderful resource just now and felt compelled to share....It's a link from Dharma Mittra's web site. For those who don't know, Dharma Mittra is the yogi featured in "ASANAS: 608 Yoga Poses" and has a yoga studio in NYC, where some of the most advanced yogis in the city practice amazingly gymnastic yoga at noon on Wednesdays (actually, every day at noon, but Wednesdays seems to be the day that everyone I know who goes, goes). Anyway, I was checking out the site and saw and followed this link to "Chants" and found, to my happy surprise that it's all about Hanuman, who happens to be my very favorite Hindu god (god, in the mythological god sense, since I only worship Adonai).

Hanuman was the great monkey God who leapt across the sea to save Sita, the wife of his beloved lord and master, Ram. His leap was epic - it took years; his hair is said to have gone white while he was leaping. His leap reminds us of all of which we are capable when we are dedicated, when we act out of love, when we have patience with the process. I adore what Hanuman stands for, but I also am intrigued by the story of Hanuman, Sita and Ram and find myself wondering about whether Hanuman was a little bit in love with Sita, or Ram, or both...I see Hanuman sometimes as that archetypal wingman.

Anyway, I digress.

If you click on the link, you will see the Hanuman Chaleesa in full, as well as fully tranlated, and for an extra added treat, you can click on an audio link and hear Krishna Das singing it. Thus, you can read it, hear it or enjoy some Hanuman Karaoke with it....



Anonymous said...


Have you ever gone to Dharma's class?


Yoga Chickie said...

No..I would like to one of these days. One of my students is a teacher there, and she's showed me a lot of Dharma's unique takes on asanas. It looks very expressive and dance-like, which appeals to me.

Have you?

Anonymous said...

but it's true. your body is a temple-- not a morgue.Some people need to hear these things.

Anonymous said...

// Om Namo Hanumantaay Namah: //

If you love Hanuman Chalisa, you can download it in and other Mp3-Bhajans at:

YouRs SinCereLy M!sTer CrippLeD SaM

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About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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