Friday, August 19, 2005

Dear Madonna, get well soon, okay?

Poor Madonna. Apparently, Lourdes and Rocco's mom got a bad boo-boo when she was out riding horses in the English countryside. She probably would have done better if she had just kept relaxing in that London Kabbalah Center instead of getting up on a horse she had never ridden, but that's all water under the bridge now, and Madonna is now recovering from three broken ribs, a broken collarbone and a broken hand.

I don't know if Madonna still practices Ashtanga - I do know that sometime last year, she took Duncan Wong with her on tour (I only know this because Duncan used to teach Ashtanga one-on-one to a friend of mine, and yes, I am aware that Duncan does more than just teach Ashtanga, so who really knows if Madonna was still practicing/is still practicing?). But hearing of Madonna's injury made me remember that photo spread in Vogue Magazine in which Madonna demonstrated Eka Pada Sirsasana (or something sorta like it) in fishnets and her skivvies, which I present to you for your viewing pleasure.



Anonymous said...

That Duncan Wong is crazy amazing. I don't get the Yogic Arts thing but I get that he's totally amazing. I always wondered who that was in the Prana ad.
Glad your on, easier to read your blog!

Yoga Chickie said...

Yeah, Duncan Wong is quite the thang. I have no idea what "contact yoga" is, but clearly he is multi-talented.



Yoga Chickie said...

Yeah, Duncan Wong is quite the thang. I have no idea what "contact yoga" is, but clearly he is multi-talented.



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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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