Monday, August 22, 2005

Somewhere, beyond the sea....

So, here I am on the deck of the house we rented in Fire Island, which, if you are not from the New York area, is probably something the likes of which you have never seen. For all intents and purposes there are NO CARS here at all (and I only qualify that because way over at one end of the island there is a public beach called Robert Moses State Park that can be accessed by car via the mainland, Long Island, but the rest of Fire Island is not accessible via Robert Moses State Park, and vice versa). So, in order to get here, you take a boat from Bay Shore, Long Island, and when you arrive, instead of a parking lot, there are rows and rows of little red wagons that people use to bring their stuff to and from the boat (and also to go food shopping at the little grocery stores). In order to get to your house, you walk along sidewalks which ARE the "streets". People can ride their bikes, but the speed limit is something like 5 miles an hour, and no one has anything but a one-speed old-fashioned bike here.

Where we are, in Corneille Estates, the "sidewalk" consists of a boardwalk, surrounded by wild vegetation - long grasses, reeds, pine trees, wild flowers. There are a lot of deer here, and they roam around freely. Right now, as I sit here on the deck, there are two deer walking around eating leaves in the backyard.

We got here early this morning, and basically have been walking around all day, checking out where to play tennis, where to shoot hoops, where to kick around a soccer ball (for my kids, don't worry, not for me). At one point, I decided to take a walk all the way over to Ocean Bay Park, which is three towns over and which was THE PLACE TO BE when I was 25 years old. A bunch of my friends and I took a "summer share" in a really divey house about 10 feet from the beach. What I discovered was that the house is long gone - destroyed in some storms that wreaked havoc on the Island a few years ago. On the way back to Corneille, I decided to walk on the beach instead of the walkways, picking up white and black stones that hundreds of thousands of years of polishing by the ocean have rendered almost like cabachon jewels. As I held them in my hand, I had this idea....what if I were to collect literally THOUSANDS of them and then create a mosaic out of the ENTIRE floor of my terrace at home that would not only LOOK beautiful but would also act as a sort of "reflexology path"....

Anyway....back to reality....

We ran into some people we know from the city, mostly people whose kids go to school with my kids. One of them told me that there are daily yoga classes in Ocean Beach (next town over). I don't think I will be going, but I do think that I will be taking out my mat tomorrow and seeing what feels good. As the Kundalini yogis say, "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" - I honor the teacher that is within myself. I have to believe that "she" knows best.

I have to run to go grab my little wagon now and head over to the grocery store to pick up some stuff to barbecue for dinner. I really intended to blog about the final, and incredibly AWESOME episode of Six Feet Under, which Mom and I spent a half an hour deconstructing today, because to me it really captured my own interpretation of the notion of "karma"...but I will have to save that for later or tomorrow....

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About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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