Friday, April 14, 2006

Raw feed

1. Had my worst practice ever. And that was okay.

2. Despite worst practice ever, I actually really actually really found myself in padma mayurasana after uth-pluti and I actually really actually really found myself floating my legs back. Someone had taken over my body. Someone far stronger and flexy than me. How can that happen on a day when I can barely bind in the Marichyasanas? Will it ever happen again?

3. My cousin, D, came with me to practice. She is building a Mysore practice, despite not having a teacher. She is also training for her 13th marathon. All in all, quite amazing.

4. No Supta K for me today. I just didn't want to. And by the time I got to it, Tanya was already out of the room.

5. I am teaching Level II/III (Intermediate/Advanced) Vinyasa class at Yoga Sutra tomorrow (Saturday) at 4:30 p.m. It is 105 minutes, includes chanting, pranayama and meditation. The focus will more than likely be arm balances unless someone requests something else.

6. Off to see Ice Age.



Tiff said...

Did you do padma mayurasana or adho mukha padmasana? I believe that's the name, the hand placement is different. Anyway, it is completely different action. An inability to bind in the Mari's will not impact whether or not you can do the jump back from lotus. Mari is in the spine, padmasana is finding the balance and really pivoting on the arms. It's a fun jump back though. You'll start doing them all the time, don't worry.

Yoga Chickie said...

Hi Tiff...It was actually neither padma mayurasana or adho mukha padmasana - it's actually a version of swan pose, don't know the name offhand - mayurasana with the hands facing forward. As for why I mentioned having trouble in the Mari's - it was just really just a comparison of how strong I can be in one posture and how pathetically weak I can be in another. But for the less flexy amongst us, Mari is not just in the spine - Mari D (and Mari B) are very dependent upon a good lotus leg, as well as open chest and shoulders. So, it is kind of interesting that I had so much trouble in Mari D today and then had no trouble at all in the closing lotus poses.

WOW. I sound obsessive!


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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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