Wednesday, November 16, 2005

K-9 Karma

Has anyone seen this show? It's on Animal Planet, of which heretofore, I was kind of subliminally aware, but which I would never have been able to locate on my remote. Now that my current obsession has turned to animals, and in particular, dogs, and in even more particular, rescued dogs, I have finally located the channel on my remote and tuned in. And what I have found is, for the most part, compelling and quality programming - Rescue Vets, Miami Animal Police, North Shore Animal Rescue....

And in particular, I have found myself addicted to one show in particular...I'm almost embarassed to admit this....but since fellow-Ashtanga-blogger, Jody (Chatvari) recently offered up a sampling of his guilty pleasures, I feel "safe" offering up mine....

So here goes: Guilty Pleasure, thy name is K-9 Karma.

Let me just say that I wanted to hate this show. It stars a young, blonde yoga teacher cum dog trainer named Kari, who happens to be married to an ex (of sorts) of mine from college, an ex whom my college girlfriends and I often referred to as "Satan". Now, I've long since moved on from my dalliance with Satan, but this show presents other challenges to Yoga Chickie's generosity and practice of aparigraha (non-coveting), such as the fact that Kari is pregnant in most, if not all, of the episodes I have seen, and yet she looks slim and beautiful (unlike Yoga Chickie, whose pregnancies made her look like a Volkswagen turned over on its side). Also, Kari is the founder of East Yoga (right around the corner from Shala X), and which features a kitchy class on Sunday evenings called "Doga"....DOG YOGA. Utter silliness, but, apparently, it has its followers, and Kari has become a bit of a local celeb, at least in dog-owner circles....another challenge to the aparigraha practice of Yoga Chickie. who never saw an attention of which she didn't desire to be the center.

The show starts and ends at East Yoga and is "narrated" by Charlie, Kari's five-year-old rescue dog. More kitsch. But honestly, it's a damn good show. Each episode features Kari and Charlie on some sort of outing, whether to a soccer game, a doggie spa, a doggie psychic or to Kari and Satan's country house (aparigraha, YC, aparigraha). It's fun to watch. And truthfully, Kari is adorable and engaging. And Charlie is like the best dog ever, other than Lewis, of course.

So, there. I admitted it. My guilty pleasure and my jealous streak.

Om shanti.


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About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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