Sunday, February 05, 2006

You gonna eat that?

Ah, the 40th Super Bowl (thanks SusieC!)... Uniquely American. And especially so this year, what with the "XL" designation.

But for anyone who doesn't care much about a game involving big guys wearing shoulder pads and tight pants, with dark eye-makeup smudged under their eyes, moving a ball down a 100 yard field approximately three or four yards at a time, where the plays usually end in a large pile-up of said big guys...for anyone who is planning on watching the last few minutes of the game solely for the purpose of ensuring that they don't miss the beginning of Grey's Anatomy..........the real entertainment is the ads.

At $2.5 million per 30-second slot (or so the Husband says), they better be pretty entertaining. Right? One would think.

And then there was Burger King. Watching their G-rated version of Vegas Showgirls dressed as beef patties, buns and condiments leap into a pile to create some sort of giant, human burger sandwich fell somewhat short of entertaining, stopping somewhere between strange and vulgar.

The Husband and I couldn't figure out if the top of the sandwich was Brooke Burke or Eva Longoria. In any event, it struck us as a sort of sad commentary on the career of whomever had taken the job as the top of the sandwich, regardless of the fat paycheck we can only assume was involved.

But what struck me as even sadder was the fate of the poor meat patty-girl, stuck as she was under a pile of condiment girls and Brooke/Eva/whoever.

And it just may have put me off of meat (now if we could only work on the Diet Peach Snapple).



Jeff said...

re:your blogger problems, I am fairly new to blogger myself, but their own announcement logs indicated they had some serious problems. I tried to post my last entry a dozen times and kept getting an indexing error and some very unhelpful messages about problems with the archives. I went back to edit my posts and the same entry was there multiple times. Eventually the corrected their problem and all was well again. Hope that helps some.

Yoga Chickie said...

Yes!!!!!!!! I didn't see those announcements. I had the same problems with those very posts that disappeared. I received indexing errors when trying to publish. One disappeared immediately. The other disappeared a day later. I hope yours stay put...



Anonymous said...

40th Super Bowl, actually.

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About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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