Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sheryl Crow joins the ranks

It was announced yesterday that Sheryl Crow recently underwent breast cancer surgery and will be cancelling upcoming tour dates while she undergoes radiation treatment. I am not sure why there seems to be an emphasis on the "minimally invasive" nature of her surgery (the type of surgery one has to remove a breast tumor does not really indicate much about the tumor, itself; what is important is whether the TUMOR is invasive, not the surgery). Nor do I understand why there seems to be an emphasis on the "precaution"-ary nature of her radiation treatment (all chemotherapy for non-metastatic cancer is precautionary). But I am glad that, at the very least, Crow went public with her battle.

Crow has been a breast cancer activist in the past (performing a benefit concert, for example, with a pre-cancer-diagnosis Melissa Etheridge), and a cancer activist, in general (her ex's name is almost synonymous with cancer activism). But I can't say there's any irony in her diagnosis at age 44. Unfortunately, breast cancer is THAT common.


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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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