108...a new meaning to add to the list
108 is the sum of the numbers that keep repeating and reappearing on Lost: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
And if you add them up numerologically (4+8+1+5+1+6+2+3+4+2), you get 36, which numerologically boils down to 9 (the number of vinyasas in a sun salutation; multiply it by 12 and you get 108).
I have a feeling that this was not unintentional. After all, the numbers appear on a hatch placed on Lostaway Island by a group that goes by the name of the "Dharma Initiative". And the Dharma representative who appears on the instructional video found in the hatch, concludes his statement with, "Namaste".
36 is 18 times 2 or double chai. Significant for Jews. 108 is 6 times 18. Our address is 72 or 4 times 18.
...and more proof that yogachickie has WAY too much time on her hands...
hmmm...I would rather take that as a compliment and a testament to how seamlessly I raise two young boys, teach a smattering of yoga classes, practice Ashtanga on a daily basis, keep my active Bagle nicely exercised, and still have time to watch some television and analyze it to pieces...
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