Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Still no practice. I did teach a good class though (I think so, at least!). For me, what constitutes a good class is when my students aren't dropping like flies into child's pose (my tendency is to teach a very challenging class in terms of its pace and vigor, if not in terms of advanced postures, and so I need to really make the effort to keep it interesting and challenging without making my students feel like they can't keep up), when I see the light of recognition on my students' faces once in a while as I adjust them (or better yet: when they tell me later on that something worked for them), when the music and the sequence merge harmoniously, when I feel that I am on the articulate end of the communication spectrum (the opposite end is the stumbling-over-my-words end) when I don't go over the allotted amount of time (seriously...going over the time allotted is really inconsiderate to the students and is a breaking of boundaries...and boundaries are very important in yoga, as well as in life), when the closing "Om" is full and loud and strong (this tells me, right or wrong, that my students are "feeling it").

Looks like the Women's Health event is going to become a regular bi-weekly gig. That's fun! But it does tweak my yoga-teacher-commitment issues...the pressure....will I have the stamina to keep it interesting and fun over an extended period of time?

I saw Dr. Jamie the Chiropracter today - last minute appointment. She fixed me up, I think....my lower back and hips were stuck. But they unstuck pretty easily. My right hip unstuck before she even touched me, just from getting into the hip-releasing position (on my left side, with my right knee bent and crossing over the midline).

It's about a million degrees here. Maybe I will do some Sun Salutations and sit in padmasana.

Oh, and listen, if anyone wants to be on Wife Swap, I got an email from a friend of my sister who is the casting director....they are looking for a "Yoga Family"...a family living the yoga lifestyle....prerequisite being at least one child between the ages of 7 and 17. My family does not fit the bill because I am the only one who practices yoga regularly. The rest of them make fun of me, and my kids claim to hate yoga, which kind of makes me ineligible, even assuming that I would ever be on a reality TV show. I am sure that I would love the attention. But ultimately, it would most likely not be the best move for me, on many levels, for many reasons. But hey, if you fit the bill, and they cast you, you get TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Not bad for six days' work.



Tiff said...

I can think of a yoga family that comes to mind right now, only thing is, the child is only 3. Ohh, I have a yoga family that is divorced, I think the son is like 8

Tracy said...

I have been reading your blog for while now....
and then I saw "Wife Swap" mentioned today...and that is my favorite show...and we are a Yoga Family...and my son is 15!
Email me if you can as I would love to be on the show!

Tracy said...

Hi YC!
We are a Yoga Family in California and my son is 15!!
I would be SO up to be on my favorite show!!!
You can email me


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About Me

My photo
Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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