Friday, September 05, 2008

Me Leg Behind Head Pretty Someday...

It may not be pretty. But it's all that I've got.
At least as far as Eka Pada Sirsasana goes. And this is my better side. And I put it out there knowing that in the grand scheme of EPS, it really kinda sucks. More than kinda. But here's the thing - this was on 10 second self-timer (the pre-adolescent at home refused to help me). And here's another thing - I have only been practicing this pose for like two months, and I couldn't keep my leg behind my head before, pretty or ugly, bent over or not. So, if I can do this now, assuming the absence of injuries, then why shouldn't it be a whole lot prettier someday?



Tracy said...

i think it is very pretty..and your foot looks nice and callous free btw ;0) ~

DebPC said...

You and your garden are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

this could keep us busy all day

Anonymous said...

all day!

Anonymous said...

la la la la!

Anonymous said...

la la la leg behind my head!

Anonymous said...

la la loo loo loo! happy day! happy sunday!

Anonymous said...

oh, my leg is behind my head! looky!

Anonymous said...

still busy with the delete button?

Anonymous said...

delete! delete laksmi! delete her! no trace of laksmi!

Anonymous said...

erase. nothing is happening. everything is fine.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

one more

Anonymous said...

could be the

Anonymous said...

highest comment

Anonymous said...

count ever.

Anonymous said...

spose I should get ready to get blasted now.

Anonymous said...

let's see the other side now.

Anonymous said...

okay, one more comment.

Lees Lamar said...

My bet is you'll be ignore, or you'll be deleted, or maybe a little chastised.

Probably ignored..

Maybe her Mom will weigh in about your self absorbtion and attention getting tactics?

Anonymous said...

yeah, mebbee beeeebbeeee can get involved. that'd be great.

Anonymous said...

oh, and she's already deleted a single comment twice, even though it was totally innocuous (look it up). So I thought I'd give her a little delete work out.

Yoga Chickie said...

Oh! Sorry to have totally ignored you all day, Licksme. I was busy having a life.

Maybe you should get one?

It doesn't cost anything, you know.

Anonymous said...

well, seems like yours actually costs your husband quite a bit. And actually, I wouldn't ever lick you. ugh. If you notice, my comments only took about four minutes out of my day, so really, it was pretty easy. Have a great day! Love the estate!

Yoga Chickie said...

It is so weird to have a female stalker. Most of the people who stalk me are men.

Anonymous said...

guess you're pretty lucky!

Lees Lamar said...

This is good.
I love how some things never change!


Anonymous said...

yeah, it makes you feel secure, doesn't it? That predictability. It's great!

Anonymous said...

I bet I'll get called a 'troll' or a 'stalker' again. Or some other form of something which indicates I am scum with no life. Or maybe some other version of my name. That's always fun, too.

Anonymous said...


Lees Lamar said...

Look Liksme, stop making fun of Lauren. She's having a nice time with herself. You really need to get a life. God.

What do you actually do anyway?

Anonymous said...

oh, you know, I'm pretty busy. I'm trying to work out whether or not I should put my hydrangeas in full sun or go get a manicure. Then I just kind of get upset that I have to make these hard decisions. It's hard! Gosh!

Copyright 2005-2007 Lauren Cahn, all rights reserved. Photos appearing on this blog may be subject to third party copyright ownership. You are free to link to this blog and portions hereof, but the use of any direct content requires the prior written consent of the author.

About Me

My photo
Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.

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