Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kapotasana today

I'm hoping that if I can get this far myself, without much of a warm-up (I just felt like backbending today...bizarre) and without ever having had any help in Kapotasana at all, then I am probably not going to struggle to to mightily to touch my toes one day. Yeah, I know, soon enough it's not enough to touch the toes, and then there is the lure of the heels, then maybe the ankles. But for me, I'll take the toes. Just the toes. I can touch my toes right now on one hand, but that is not very good alignment, now, is it?

So, here was me dropping back...

then climbing down...

then not being able to get fingers to toes...yet...

then Kapo B.

I am definitely starting to get paranoid about not getting any new poses because I feel ready to work on Kapotasana. But I haven't even gotten Parsva Dhanurasana, which I can totally do. Same with the next two, Ustrasana and Laghu Vajrasana. I'm starting to get distressed about it.
Well, I can still do it at home, which I plan to do tomorrow. My practice, plus second up to Supta Vajrasana. Or maybe up to Bakasana B if I feel like I can let the back simmer down again before doing Urdhva Dhanurasana. Hopefully it will be a sunny day so I can do my self-assisted dropbacks a la Iyengar wall on my back porch.

Oh, and here was me just a few weeks ago:

I should also mention for record-keeping sake that this week, I started laying on top of those Miracle Ball thingies, which has helped loosen up my back immensely.



Anonymous said...

starter of yoga kit

Laurie said...

Try lying back in supta virasana and coming up from there. It's made all of the difference for me, I can totally get my elbows down easier.

Copyright 2005-2007 Lauren Cahn, all rights reserved. Photos appearing on this blog may be subject to third party copyright ownership. You are free to link to this blog and portions hereof, but the use of any direct content requires the prior written consent of the author.

About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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