Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No excuses

I'm going to the city today, but I am going to practice first. Yes I am. Yes I am. YesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIamYesIam.

Heath Ledger has died right on the heels of the Brad Renfro, I watch Nip/Tuck (which now takes place in L.A.), I saw Crash this weekend (the recent Crash, the one which won the Academy Award, not the 1994 movie about people with car-crash fetishes), and let me just say, without intending to insult Owl or anyone else who lives in the Los Angeles area, I am so happy to live on the East Coast away from all the insanity. Yes, I know, Heath Ledger died in New York. But he was part of the Hollywood culture. And you don't often see 28 year olds dying naked in their beds with pills strewn around them. Not that he killed himself. But something bad happened. Something having to do with feeling above the laws that govern the rest of us, not just the "Law", but the laws of physics, biology and reason.

I looked at my pills differently as I took them one by one last night. I wondered how much of a slip-up, what degree of carelessness, what seed of self-destruction must exist in order for my regular evening routine to end in utter tragedy.



Unknown said...

i heard heath died of pneumonia. the unfortunate news is sensationalist drama. i feel for his family.

Yoga Chickie said...

I hope he didn't die of pneumonia. My brother in law has pneumonia right now. I didn't think that otherwise-healthy 28-year olds died from pneumonia...

V said...

You can die of pneumonia. When I had my horseback riding accident, one of my lungs collapsed a bit and it showed on the X-rays. The Drs were very alarmed, suspecting I might have pneumonia.

I don't know what Heath died of, though. There seem to be several theories: accidental drug overdose, suicide, pneumonia...

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About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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