Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ah, spring?

There's not a whiff of Autumn in the air here in NYC. But it sure is lovely outside. And despite a touch of heartburn just as I slid into Dandasana, I think my gastro woes from the Z-pack are beginning to dwindle. Mari D was just a bit less bloaty today, and I generally enjoyed my practice (heartburn went away somewhere in the midst of the seated poses).

I enjoyed a nice long practice today, from 9:10 until 10:50. I love those nice long, luxurious practices, although I could do without the flop sweat. But I felt so good that after I got home from picking the kids up from Hebrew School, I went out into the terrace (which is enjoying a gentle greenhouse effect due to its having windows on all sides (counting the window into my bedroom and the window-paneled door adjoining my living room) and spent 45 minutes stretching all of my body parts that Primary neglects. Sorry, Guruji. You just didn't adequately hit them all for all the peeps, notwithstanding it generally being a super-fabulously amazing series of hatha poses.

That meant, for anyone who thinks they could benefit:

  • Five more Surya Namaskar A (to get the heart rate up again)
  • One Surya Namaskar B (to wake up the hip flexors)
  • First Sequence: Vinyasa to Down Dog, step one foot forward for Bound Parsvakonasana hold for eight breaths, pressing chest outward; then release bind and scootch the bottom shoulder under the front knee, turn torso and face toward the floor and stretch arms out like airplane wings; then replace both hands, and lift legs off the floor for arm balance: Koundinyasana; return feet to the floor, turn non-bent-leg side of body away from floor by reaching that side's arm up toward the sky and lift the bent leg up for Bairavasana. REPEAT ON OTHER SIDE.
  • Second Sequence: Vinyasa to Ardha Matsyandrasana and bind, repeating both sides, vinyasa back to Down Dog, step one foot forward for Bound Parivritta Parsvakonasana, hold for at least eight breaths, drawing shoulders down the back, pressing chest open (thanks DK!), repeating boths ides.
  • Third Sequence: Vinyasa to Dandasana. Compass pose on both sides. Vinyasa to lying down on the back. Roll back into Karna Pidasana, thread arms through legs as you lower the back toward the floor, try to keep ankles crossed in a modified Yoga Nidrasana, hands in prayer if the bind is not possible (thanks Neti!!).
  • Chakrasana to Kurmasana to Supta Kurmasana.
Voila! I got myself into Supta K with a washcloth with only FOUR INCHES between my hands (SHIT!!!! I mentioned it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

I think there is something to be said for practicing a second time in a day, and for practicing later in the day (12 noon, as opposed to some less-Godly hour). But whatever. I feel awesome. AWESOME.

One thing I am not feeling awesome about: I did my dropbacks and stand-ups today with Sir in the room - and they were GOOD - I stood up on my feet, rather than my knees each time, - and I get the feeling (maybe I am just being paranoid) that Sir was a bit non-plussed. Ah well, it is my practice, after all, and I feel very very strongly about the importance of getting that stretch of my front body. And besides, floating backwards into a backbend is one of the most joyful feelings I get all day long. It's the closest I get to truly defying gravity. And it makes me feel like I rock. So....can't I just rock?



Anonymous said...

You should just rock on....

Anonymous said...

I'm too much of a newbie in Ashtanga to speak with any authority at all whatsoever. But ... but ..., I can't resist seconding Susan's comment.

There is certainly a lot to be said for the traditional Mysore-style practice, with complete deference to one's teacher. On the other hand, does that invalidate all other methods of learning Ashtanga?

Anonymous said...

Don't you think the whole point of the class is to engage in your own practice, irregardless of the teacher's opinion? Why does Guy's opinion matter so much to you?

Yoga Chickie said...

I just want to do it "right". I want to get all the benefits of learning it the traditional way. His opinion is my most direct gauge of whether I am succeeding in that....but I hear you. It all seems too drama-filled.

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About Me

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Northern Westchester, New York, United States
I live by a duck pond. I used to live by the East River. I don't work. I used to work a lot. Now, not so much. I used to teach a lot of yoga. Now not so much. I still practice a lot of yoga though. A LOT. I love my kids, being outdoors, taking photos, reading magazines, writing and stirring the pot. Enjoy responsibly.


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