I am practicing really really really slow. Or I have been this week. Especially today. And I LIKE it. I do. And He-Sub says it's good. I had my best Kapotasana EVER today with him. And no, we didn't even try to catch my feet - it just felt really deep, really strong, really good breath-wise and really safe. I did catch HIS feet though, I should mention.
Satisfying to catch any feet, I suppose. Nice that I didn't have to crank into catching my own in order to get that feeling.
Here's a new wrinkle:
As my Urdhva Dhanurasana gets deeper, my standing up from a backbend gets more difficult. I am sure it is just one of those comings-and-goings of the Ashtanga practice, and my gut instinct tells me that the reason is simple: the better I feel in my backbends, the longer I stay in Urdhva Dhanurasana, sometimes as many as 10 long breaths, and the longer I stay in my UD's, the more tired my legs get. The more tired my legs get, the harder it is to pop back up.
I really think it's going to be alright.
It will be fine.
It really will.
Yeah. It really will. One thing Guy said to me that made a lot of sense was, "Well, if you keep practicing, it can't get worse." Makes sense. I think.
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